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Business Report

Business Report

Your business report should include: cover, title page, letter/memo of authorization, letter of transmittal, table of contents, list of illustrations. It should also include executive summary, problem/solution, and conclusions and recommendations. Attempting the report. Its viability as a report needs to be discussed. Your report should have 9 pages font 12. It will be turned in at turnitin.com no plagiarism is allowed. 

Topics to choose from for your Business Report:

1. Assume you are working for a company that is considering opening a business in another country. Analyze possible accounting problems the company might encounter and offer possible solutions for overcoming these problems.

2. Your company’s managers have been thinking about purchasing software that will help it track revenue transactions involving payouts to several parties. Find out what kind of software is available, develop criteria for evaluating the options you find, and offer your managers recommendations. In other words, is it worth it to purchase this type of software at all? If so, which is the best choice?

3. As the leader of your accounting department’s internship program, you have been asked to assess the top three or four internships in your area. Since this report is for

students, you’ll need to consider what criteria they think are important for an internship. If you live in an area with a big four firm, you might also want to consider including it for comparison. If you believe it’s appropriate, offer recommendations.


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4. Does a relationship exist between success in big-time sports and the amount of alumni donations to a college? Does success in big-time sports positively affect the

quality of applicants to a college? Assume that the athletic department of College X claims that if it is granted significant financial support, it will produce successful teams. In turn, those successful athletic teams will pull in larger alumni contributions and will also attract higher-quality students. As a research consultant, you have been asked to study the issue. Do any studies exist that show the effects of successful teams? Based on your findings, make a recommendation to the administration of College X regarding the funding request from its athletic department.

5. In a meeting, managers and supervisors for the bank where you work expressed

concerns about employees’ customer-service skills. Moreover, they wonder whether

a specific set of procedures should be established — especially for new

employees. They have asked you to investigate the customer service practices at

other local banks to determine what skills should be emphasized and what procedures — if any — should be adopted.

6.Your business is considering offering child-care and/or elder-care benefits to its employees. Assess the financial pros and cons of either type of benefit, and offer


7. As a newly hired research assistant in the HR department of a large company, you have been asked to determine the best means of hiring and testing new employees. Consider what other companies similar to yours are doing, assess the

positives and negatives of each, and offer recommendations to your department.

8.Your company’s managers haven’t been satisfied lately with the quality of some new employees. They believe that the hiring process may be the reason, and they’ve

asked the HR department to recommend a set of criteria for cover letters and résumés. You have been chosen for the job. You will accomplish this through interviews with and surveys of recruiters from companies similar to yours.


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9. The business for which you work has an outdated code of ethics in its policy manual. Because of the ever-changing nature of businesses today and growing diversity in the workforce, you have been asked to help to update the company’s code of ethics. To do this, you consider analyzing other companies’ codes of ethics to determine what your policy should include—and what it shouldn’t. Based on

your analysis, you will offer recommendations to your management team.

10. Because statistics show that the U.S. population is aging (i.e., baby boomers are

nearing retirement), you have been asked to review retirement packages in companies similar to yours. Should your company be aware of any trends? Are future retirees going to demand more? Your goal is to determine what general retirement policies your company should adopt.

11. Your boss can’t understand why so many ex-employees have filed unemployment claims against the company lately. He asks you, the HR manager, to develop a procedure for reprimanding and, yes, firing employees. You decide to investigate other companies’ procedures to determine what your company should do.

12. Is a lack of properly trained and qualified employees a problem in your area? If so, what are businesses doing to attract and keep prospective employees? After you’ve analyzed the major trends, take the positions of a personnel manager who must report on them and recommend strategies.

13. Many Web-based employment sites have sprung up on the Internet. At first, your boss was not convinced that using these sites would benefit the company. She’s asked you to write a report that not only convinces her that these sites would be beneficial, but also recommends the best site(s) for your company to find potential new employees.

14. Prepare a business plan proposal for a seminar or training program that could be offered to companies or individuals. Consider the following seminar ideas: Dress

for Success, Team Building, Solving People Problems at Work, Making Every Message Count, Building Confidence with Grammar, Harness the Power of Your Computer, Communication Strategies, and Contemporary Business Etiquette.

15. At a recent meeting, managers and supervisors for the bank where you work expressed concerns about employees’ customer-service skills. Moreover, they wonder whether a specific set of procedures should be established — especially for new employees. They have asked you to investigate the customer service practices at other local banks to determine what skills should be emphasized and what procedures — if any — should be adopted.

16. Your business is considering offering child-care and/or elder-care benefits to its employees. Assess the financial pros and cons of either type of benefit, and offer recommendations.


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17. From news stories, locate a company that you think might need a diversity training program. Then, investigate Web sites of diversity training services. Select one. Drawing on the information from that program, prepare a proposal to the target company. Use your imagination for some of the information. Your unsolicited proposal should describe the company’s problem and explain how your program can help reduce or solve the company’s diversity problems.

18. You have the opportunity to greet current and potential clients as they walk in for appointments each day. The majority of your clients are business professionals and look the part. Because your company is involved in software development, atmosphere and dress code are more relaxed. In fact, some of the employees look like downright slobs! You strongly believe that your company should present a more professional appearance, and you would like to see a dress code implemented. You realize that many employees will not like this idea initially. At a general staff meeting, prove to them that the results will be well worth the effort.

19. Trends in customer service are changing. Many corporations are making personalized customer service an important part of their image. As a marketing intern for a well-known national chain, you have been asked to evaluate these trends. What do customers today expect? How are other national chains capitalizing on these trends? In addition to evaluating the trends, offer recommendations to the company.

20. Knowing you’ve just graduated from college with a degree in marketing, a family located in your hometown asks you to investigate the pros and cons of opening a business franchise. They want to know what the financial and legal implications would be. Of three locations of your choice, which is the best for a new McDonald’s (or Dairy Queen, Subway, Blimpie, or franchise of your choice)?

21. Are rebates successful? Your job, as the marketing director for a newly formed company, is to evaluate how successful rebates are. What are their advantages and

disadvantages to both the company and the customer? Prepare a report to the CEO.

22. Your company has a fairly large number of salespeople. However, management isn’t satisfied with the way individual salespeople are being evaluated. One controversial method that has been used is to tape record sales transactions. Management finds this intriguing, but you’re not sure. What other methods are used? Select companies similar to yours to determine what’s being done. What are the pros and cons of each? Which one, in your view, is the best for your company?

23. Sales have been slumping a bit at your small company, and the boss wants to determine whether the company’s advertising is responsible. She wants you to evaluate your advertising campaign, but you’re not sure where to begin. You decide it would be best to start by analyzing the approaches of companies similar to yours. What works, what doesn’t? Are there trends that you’re not aware of? Make recommendations to your boss.


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24. You have been asked to conduct a market study of your city (or another, if you choose) to determine the best location for a given business (your choice). The company requesting this study wants basic demographic information (e.g., population, income, age, traffic flow, etc.) to be used as the basis for your recommendation.

25. A large chain where you work has decided to build its new store on a property in your city that is environmentally sensitive. Moreover, many in the neighborhood surrounding the property are firmly opposed to the new store. As marketing director, you must make this transition go smoothly for everyone involved. Your job is to map out an approach and offer specific recommendations.

26. E-mail marketing is cheap and fast. But most consumers hate receiving spam. Your boss can’t decide whether to use direct-mail advertising or e-mail messages to boost your company’s sales. He asks you to assess the pros and cons of each from the standpoint of the customer and the company. He’s particularly interested in the legal liabilities associated with each one. Ultimately, he wants you to decide which one is better.

27. Because it has seen such a tremendous amount of growth in recent years, the company for which you work is faced with the following dilemma: should it establish an in-house advertising department or use an agency? This is all new to you, so you begin by investigating what other businesses in similar situations have done. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Which is the better choice for your company?

28. Given the fact that a brand name can be worth almost half of a company’s value (e.g., the Coke-Cola brand), the effective use of brands is extremely important. As Andrea Dunham of Unique Value International puts it, the reliability associated with a brand becomes a repository of knowledge about the things that people are going to buy or use (U. S. News & World Report, 9 October 2000). What are some do’s and don’ts as far as brand maintenance goes? From a marketing standpoint, what should companies do to ensure that their brands are effective?

29. You’ve learned that many companies are dedicated to the concept of social responsibility. For example, Home Depot’s employees build playgrounds in underprivileged neighborhoods, and Tom’s of Maine allows employees to use 5 percent of their paid work time to do volunteer work for nonprofit organizations. You wonder if this type of philanthropy is an effective marketing tool. Do such projects generate more sales for the company? Do the increased revenues outweigh the costs? Conduct research to find locate other companies with similar programs. How does social responsibility benefit these companies?

30. Although many of the salespeople who work in your company use laptops, they’ve asked you to investigate the benefits of Web-accessible cell phones. Salespeople contend that the portability of these phones, in addition to their ability to access the Web, makes them an ideal sales tool. After you investigate the benefits of these phones, you decide to compare the top three or four phones offered using the following criteria: price, network, band/mode, weight/size, screen size, battery life, ringer options, and extras included. Which phone would be best for your salespeople?

31. A popular trend in today’s workplace is telecommuting. Your boss has had several employees ask her about the possibility of performing work — at least part time — at home. Your boss isn’t convinced that telecommuting is in her best interest, so she asks you to write a report that analyzes the pros and cons of this form of employment. Consider what jobs are ideal for telecommuting, what the employment statistics reveal, and how it affects both businesses and employees.

32. Many students majoring in management information systems (MIS) wonder whether basic writing skills will be an important aspect of their jobs. You’re curious, too, so you decide to write a report that investigates what MIS jobs involve. In addition, you wonder whether the course requirements in your business school serve to prepare

MIS majors for the kinds of on-the-job writing they will do. After you’ve researched and analyzed these issues, offer recommendations to fellow students.

33. Your company is opening a branch in another country (your choice). You’ve been asked to review and analyze what other companies have done to prepare their managers for such a move. In addition, you must come up with a detailed plan for selecting and training these managers.


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Business Report

Topic: Business Report

Order Description
Data visualisation business report to formulate a ‘dashboard/infographic’.

Not a history paper.

On the 8th anniversary of the Australian federal governments National Apology to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Write a business report on progress of the National Indigenous Reform Agreement (Closing the Gap initiatives) 2008 – 2016.

Comparisons between Federal Government leadership and Queensland State Government leadership. Briefly address each initiative addressing:

Underlying Business Questions/Arguments/Recommendations:
Is Closing the Gap working?
If so, where, how, why?
Popular view is that it is not working. Why not? In what areas? What needs to be done to see improvement?
Better outcomes than before.
To make a change.

Some background information:
International Human Rights comparison / brief experience
• Canada & New Zealand
• Australia (local)

“In 2008, COAG (Council of Australian Governments) agreed to six ambitious targets to address the disadvantage faced by Indigenous Australians in life expectancy, child mortality, education and employment.

They are to:
• close the gap in life expectancy within a generation (by 2031);
• halve the gap in mortality rates for Indigenous children under five by 2018;
• ensure access to early childhood education for all Indigenous four year olds in remote communities by 2013;
• halve the gap in reading, writing and numeracy achievements for children by 2018;
• halve the gap for Indigenous students in Year 12 (or equivalent) attainment rates by 2020; and
• halve the gap in employment outcomes between Indigenous and other Australians by 2018.”

The targets are set out in the National Indigenous Reform Agreement which commits the Commonwealth, States and Territories to unprecedented levels of investment to close the gap in Indigenous disadvantage.

Closing the Gap is a long-term, ambitious framework that builds on the foundation of respect and unity provided by the 2008 National Apology to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. It acknowledges that improving opportunities for Indigenous Australians requires intensive and sustained effort from all levels of government, as well as the private and not-for-profit sectors, communities and individuals.
• Closing the Gap in Indigenous Health Outcomes
• Supporting Indigenous Early Childhood Development
• Improving Remote Indigenous Housing
• Investments in Schooling
• New Remote Service Delivery Model
Retrieved from & Suggested References: https://www.federalfinancialrelations.gov.au/content/npa/health_indigenous/indigenous-reform/national-agreement_sept_12.pdf











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Business Report

Topic: Business Report

Order Description
Data visualisation business report to formulate a ‘dashboard/infographic’.

Not a history paper.

On the 8th anniversary of the Australian federal governments National Apology to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Write a business report on progress of the National Indigenous Reform Agreement (Closing the Gap initiatives) 2008 – 2016.

Comparisons between Federal Government leadership and Queensland State Government leadership. Briefly address each initiative addressing:

Underlying Business Questions/Arguments/Recommendations:
Is Closing the Gap working?
If so, where, how, why?
Popular view is that it is not working. Why not? In what areas? What needs to be done to see improvement?
Better outcomes than before.
To make a change.

Some background information:
International Human Rights comparison / brief experience
• Canada & New Zealand
• Australia (local)

“In 2008, COAG (Council of Australian Governments) agreed to six ambitious targets to address the disadvantage faced by Indigenous Australians in life expectancy, child mortality, education and employment.

They are to:
• close the gap in life expectancy within a generation (by 2031);
• halve the gap in mortality rates for Indigenous children under five by 2018;
• ensure access to early childhood education for all Indigenous four year olds in remote communities by 2013;
• halve the gap in reading, writing and numeracy achievements for children by 2018;
• halve the gap for Indigenous students in Year 12 (or equivalent) attainment rates by 2020; and
• halve the gap in employment outcomes between Indigenous and other Australians by 2018.”

The targets are set out in the National Indigenous Reform Agreement which commits the Commonwealth, States and Territories to unprecedented levels of investment to close the gap in Indigenous disadvantage.

Closing the Gap is a long-term, ambitious framework that builds on the foundation of respect and unity provided by the 2008 National Apology to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. It acknowledges that improving opportunities for Indigenous Australians requires intensive and sustained effort from all levels of government, as well as the private and not-for-profit sectors, communities and individuals.
• Closing the Gap in Indigenous Health Outcomes
• Supporting Indigenous Early Childhood Development
• Improving Remote Indigenous Housing
• Investments in Schooling
• New Remote Service Delivery Model
Retrieved from & Suggested References: https://www.federalfinancialrelations.gov.au/content/npa/health_indigenous/indigenous-reform/national-agreement_sept_12.pdf











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